Letter from GPE department chair on general assembly decisions and class blocking

sent on March 14th, 2012

Dear members of the GPE community, there are two principles now in play, completely opposed to one another, not subject to compromise.

The first principle is that we must adhere to the Code of Rights and Responsibilities. That document says unambiguously that the hard line tactic used to force class cancellations is not permitted. This code is the set of rules we agree to follow as members of this university, and it is crucial that we do not set it aside when it is inconvenient and then rely on it merely when we feel we need it. Such expediency renders the document meaningless. Further, the code states “those who have supervisory authority over others bear a particular responsibility to act in a timely and effective manner when they become aware of any alleged violation of the Code.” In short, I am obligated to enforce these rules of conduct.

The second principle involves collective political action based on the vote of democratic assembles. Last week, especially given the very small turn-out for the Geography undergraduate association vote, so few people were involved that the three student associations did not have the right to take an action as drastic as shutting down instruction within our department. The problem was exacerbated by the fact that the great majority of our students are not used to participating in student associations—if for no other reason than that typically nothing remotely as dramatic as ending instruction in GPE is ever discussed at these meetings. By the end of last week, however, all students had to be aware of both the effectiveness of the doorway-blocking tactic and the fact that well-publicized votes on clear questions would recur for each of the associations. People anxious about the consequences of the tactic were repeatedly urged to vote. Nonetheless, the round of voting by the three groups this week shows that support for the tactic remains very strong. In short, the students of GPE have a democratic legitimacy for their actions that was lacking before. That is, I have no choice but to accept that the tactic of stopping classroom instruction represents the collective, and thoroughly discussed, decision of our students.

Forced now to choose between what have become two diametrically-opposed principles, I will not enforce the code. The main factor in this decision is that I cannot know how harsh a penalty a cited student would receive for repeatedly violating the code; it would be unacceptable to me if a member of our community, whose political action was sanctioned by a truly democratic assembly, were to seriously suffer for that action.

Dr. David F. Greene
Professor and Chair
Graduate Program Director for Environmental Assessment
Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment
Concordia University

Strike Update Correction – Notes on the 12/03/2012 GA & Voting

There is an error in the daily update from the 12th. I apologize for this error as it relates to the GA process and voting.

The email update states:

“Voting will take place via closed ballot. If you are unable to attend the full meeting but still want to vote, you are welcome to come vote between 10:00-11:30 at GSA House. The voting box will be accessible during these times.”

While this option was discussed it was not what was voted on in the meeting. The motion and the vote was as follow:

11.0 Discussion around the ballot box

Motion that we send out an agenda with the time of the vote specified for 10am on Monday March 19th.
Members should try to submit amendments ahead of time if possible.

11 in favour
2 to abstained

The agreement was that debate and amendments would be entertained for one hour after calling the meeting to order, which is scheduled for 9:00 am Monday, March 19th, 2012. After one hour all debate would cease and the question to vote would be called. What this means is that ideally the vote will take place at 10:00 a.m. (+/- 5-10 min).

The nature of the vote ( raise of hands, blind voting, secret ballot, etc) will be decided upon when the vote is called. In other words the chair will guide the process and the voting method used will be by the consent of the in attendance of the general assembly.

This is the method that was voted on at the last general assembly and it will be used at the March 19th, 2012 meeting.


This forces the membership to focus on the topic at hand at the strike GA – The Mandate

By being this explicit about the process and the voting time the hope is more people will choose to attend the GA

I strongly urge you to visit the following pages and read over two proposed documents that might be added to our mandate this week. Additionally I would urge you to mail any suggestions you would like to see discussed or added to the mandate to gpe.grads@gmail.com with the subject link MANDATE SUGGESTIONS (in all caps) as the subject line.

Click here to view documents under consideration at the next GA

If you are concerned about the course of the strike and the actions being taken by GEOGRADS on behalf of the membership you should attend all general assemblies if possible. This is your chance to have your voice added to the chorus or to sing your own song and find out who else might join in with you.

Respectfully and will full apologies,
Tom McGurk
President GEOGRADS